blanched broccoli and daikon radish with lemon rounds

June 28, 2013 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

This balanced, refreshing salad is rich in vitamins, color and substance.  May the day ahead manifest these same qualities.


serves 4


1 head broccoli

1 daikon radish

3 Tablespoons coarse sea salt

1 lemon



Wash the broccoli and daikon well, using separate bowls.

Peel the tough outer layer of the broccoli stalk.

Remove any little “hairs” on the skin of the daikon.

Slice the daikon radish into matchsticks by cutting ¼ inch ovals first, then slicing them into thin sticks. IMG_2485

Cut the stalk of the broccoli into thin (1/4 inch) sticks and cut the head of the broccoli into “trees” (as shown).


Bring a large pot of water with coarse sea salt to a roiling boil.

When the water is rapidly boiling, drop in the daikon pieces. When they rise to the top of the water they are ready (about 3-5 minutes for daikon of this size); use a mesh skimmer to remove them from water.

When water reboils, add broccoli “trees.”

They will rise to the water’s surface when ready (2-4 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.)


Arrange the blanched vegetables on a plate.

Slice the lemon into rounds, place on top and serve.

Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

Dear Ms. Nancy, Thank you for teaching me how to cook. A lot of my skills have developed through cooking. Cooking has also given me a bigger appetite for more foods. I can also make my own cook book! Some of my favorite foods that I've cooked with you are butter, date candys, tzatziki, pickles and potato leek soup. Thanks for giving me my cooking skills. Love, R. (8 years old)
