dinosaur kale, escarole and green beans

January 12, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

This trio of sautéed greens offers a mix of textures, hues and nourishment. The dish is rich in a wide variety of vitamins (A, B2, C, K, folate), minerals (potassium, calcium, iron) and fiber.  Not a bad return from three humble greens.


serves 2


3-4 dinosaur kale leaves

4-5 escarole leaves

10 large string beans

1 Tablespoon EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

pinch of sea salt

Process   Wash the kale, escarole and string beans by immersing each in separate bowls of water.


Remove the tough tips of the string beans (generally just on one end of each pod).  Cut the green beans into pieces about one inch long. Set aside.


Cut the kale and escarole into strips about one inch thick.


Set aside.  Heat a cast iron or stainless steel skillet on a medium flame for about 20 seconds. Add the olive oil and then add the green beans to the pan (they will take the longest to cook).  Use cooking chopsticks to sauté the beans for about a minute, until they begin to turn a more intense shade of green.


Add the dinosaur kale to the pan, continuing to sauté the vegetables together. When the kale begins to wilt, add the escarole. The escarole will wilt quickly. Sauté the three vegetables together until they are well integrated and all cooked (evident by their intense color and softened texture.)


Add a pinch of sea salt and serve on individual plates or bowls.

©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014

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S has ****LOVED*** this class!
Thank you so much for all you have taught her and all the ways you've helped her develop even more of a passion for food, eating and Jewish culture.

- B.