happy birthday, vfb!

June 19, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

I’ve done it. I’ve blogged almost daily for one year. That would be 276 posts, over 1000 photos using 65 different vegetables. Click below to see the slide show of the best of the year’s posts created by my dear daughter Elsie [wpvideo mJG6YfVZ]or see it on the blog’s facebook page. Thank you, Elsie! And thank you all for following, viewing, sharing and commenting.

What next? I am considering continuing with the blog, perhaps posting weekly and including the whole breakfast I serve along with the vegetables. What would you like to see, going forward? I would love to hear from you. Please comment here, on the blog’s facebook page or email me.

©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014






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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

You did an amazing job!  E’s cookbook is fantastic.  Thank you for all of your work for the class. No wonder it is the most popular class.

- M.