purple daikon corn salad

June 10, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

I found purple daikon at the green market. When I cut it open, the purple saturated its flesh as well as its skin. I thought it would taste delicious with the leftover corn on the cob I had in the fridge. I added some celery, tomatoes and a small purple spring onion (whose purple-hued skin did not permeate its white inner layers). The result: a crunchy, refreshing, bright dish on an otherwise gray morning. And delicious it was.


serves 4


1 purple daikon radish

8 grape tomatoes

2 stalks celery

2 ears corn

½ small spring onion

1 lemon

1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon chopped cilantro (optional)

sea salt to taste

Process Shuck the corn and immerse it in a pot of boiling water for seven minutes. Remove and let cool. Then shave the kernels off the cob


and place in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Wash the celery well. Trim the ends and any loose “threads” from the stalk. Slice it diagonally, alternating directions. Pieces should be about an inch wide.


Add to the bowl of corn kernels.


Remove the tops and scrape the tough outer skin of the purple daikon. Wash it well. Slice it in half lengthwise;  rest each half on the flat surface and cut thin half-moon shapes; then halve each half-moon.


Add to the salad bowl.


Wash the tomatoes well. Halve them lengthwise; cut each half into three pieces


and add to the salad. Cut a small spring onion in half, slicing through the root and the top. Cut one half into half-moons and then chop each half moon into small pieces


and add to the mix. Add chopped cilantro if using. Squeeze the lemon and mix with the olive oil. Drizzle over the salad. Add sea salt to taste and mix all ingredients together. Serve on individual plates.


©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014


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Thanks for taking such good care of our girls. This class has provided them with a deep love and appreciation for cooking and healthy food. And not being any sort of cook myself, I am so grateful for this. 

- M.