
November 15, 2013 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

Tatsoi, also known as “spoon mustard” and  “rosette bok choy” is an Asian brassica.  It has a deep green hue, a creamy texture and delicate flavor.


serves 3



3 bunches tatsoi

1 bosc pear

pinch of sea salt

Process  Separate the tatsoi leaves from the plant base by breaking or cutting them.


Wash them well.


Put about one inch of water in a medium sized skillet, with a pinch of salt. Bring the water to a boil. Add the tatsoi . When it wilts and turns a brighter green, remove it from the pan.


Place in individual bowls.


Slice a bosc pear in half and then into thin crescents.


Arrange the pear slices around the tatsoi.

©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2013

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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

The food was creative, delicious and healthy. We learned the correct and efficient ways to cook and prepare a variety of foods. In addition, she taught us how to maximize the nutritional value of each vegetable. Another bonus to this class is how beautifully she interjected the spiritual aspects of each ingredient. She surprised us with personal touches to make my birthday more festive.

- Sherrie Wharton and Joel Berman