napa cabbage and snow peas

December 16, 2013 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

Snow peas are legumes. Pod and seeds are eaten whole, while not yet fully ripe.  As we begin to acclimate to the cold of winter, the delicate green snow pea is a crisp, refreshing reminder of growth and… spring. IMG_9669  serves 4 INgredients 5 large Napa cabbage leaves 1 cup snow peas pinch sea salt 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar Process  Wash the snow peas and cabbage leaves well, in separate vessels. IMG_9638 Break the pointier end off of each snow pea, removing it and the string attached to it. IMG_9639 Slice each snow pea vertically into about 4 strips. IMG_9641 Set aside. IMG_9646 Slice the cabbage leaves, horizontally, into quarter-inch-thick strips. IMG_9656 Set aside. Fill a stainless steel skillet with about an inch of water. Add a pinch of sea salt and bring to a boil.  Add the napa cabbage. IMG_9659 When it begins to turn a more intense shade of green, add the snow peas. IMG_9661 Each should cook for less than one minute, so the dish should be ready in less than two minutes. Drizzle the vinegar into the pan, dispersing it well; IMG_9668 remove from pan and serve warm. ©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2013

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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

I’m very impressed by all the elements you are able to pack into the lesson without it seeming at all overwhelming: the review, the actual cooking skills, the creativity of coming up with their own dishes, the chance to present their creations, the opportunity to learn about and share thoughts on something else (in last week’s case, the feelings represented in the book), the execution of their  jobs, the responsibility for one’s station/implements and the overall following of directions…..all without losing the fun quotient. No wonder the kids love coming!  You’ve really created something special so kudos to you!

- T.