asparagus almondine

April 29, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

‘Tis the season for fresh-picked asparagus, available in May, and for fuzzy green almonds, available from April til early June. This simple dish pairs them, imparting the unmistakable, distinct taste of spring.


serves 3


One bunch asparagus (about 10-12)

1 cup whole fresh almonds

¼ cup dry roasted almonds

1 Tablespoon EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

pinch sea salt

juice of one lemon (optional)

Process Remove the tough outermost layer of skin of the asparagus.


Once peeled, wash them well. Slice each stalk into three equal pieces. Set aside. Use a paring knife to slit the sides of the green almonds;



remove the soft fleshy almond inside; slice it lengthwise, into 3-5 slices.


Set aside. Dry roast the almonds in a stainless steel skillet for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from pan and slice the almonds lengthwise. Set aside. Heat a cast iron or stainless steel skillet on a medium flame for about 3 minutes.. Add the olive oil and allow it to heat for about one minute. Add the asparagus to the pan.


As each side of each piece turns a warm golden brown (should take 2-3 minutes), remove it from the pan. Place in a bowl and garnish with the fresh almonds and roasted almonds. Squeeze the lemon juice on top, if desired.

©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014

Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

I can't tell you how much you and your class mean to my girls. They've been talking all week about how sad they are that the class is ending I can't wait to see the books. We are all looking forward to next year.

- E.