bittersweet spring salad

April 30, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

On a rainy spring morning, I made a tangy arugula salad with sweet shaved carrots and pickled pink radishes. It was a visual and sensory wake up cleanse.


serves 3-4



1 small bunch arugula

3 baby carrots

3 pickled radishes

1 1/2  teaspoons umeboshi plum vinegar

Process Wash the arugula leaves well by immersing them in a large bowl of cold water. Remove and put in a wire mesh strainer to dry.


Clean the carrots’ surfaces by scraping off any brown spots or tiny hairs; rinse each one. Arrange the arugula leaves on individual plates.  Slice the pickled radish into severl half-moon shapes. Place them among the arugula leaves.


Shave the carrot as you would a pencil. Scatter the carrot shavings onto the salads.


Drizzle the ume plum vinegar (about one half teaspoon) on top of each salad.




©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014



Previous Post:

Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

I’m very impressed by all the elements you are able to pack into the lesson without it seeming at all overwhelming: the review, the actual cooking skills, the creativity of coming up with their own dishes, the chance to present their creations, the opportunity to learn about and share thoughts on something else (in last week’s case, the feelings represented in the book), the execution of their  jobs, the responsibility for one’s station/implements and the overall following of directions…..all without losing the fun quotient. No wonder the kids love coming!  You’ve really created something special so kudos to you!

- T.