carnival squash fritters

September 30, 2013 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

Full disclosure: I didn’t photograph the start-to-finish step-by-step process of making these fritters because, well, I woke up, looked at the leftover squash I had in the fridge and made up the recipe this morning. I had no idea they were going to taste so delicious and be post-worthy until I had rolled them and was about to put them in the frying pan.  That’s when I started shooting these pix. They turned out to be a tasty riff on the classic flour-based breakfast pancake. These are so sweet, you can hold the maple syrup.


serves 4


2 cups cooked winter squash (I used carnival squash, but would be delicious with any variety)

½ cup oat flour

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

black pepper to taste

¼ cup corn flour

2 drops soy sauce per fritter

3-4 Tablespoons grape seed oil for frying (or more, as needed)

Quick radish and celery pickles as garnish

Process  In a mixing bowl, use a wooden spoon to mash the leftover (cooked) squash. Add the oat flour, sea salt and pepper to taste and mix it all together.  Wet your hands and form the soft “batter” into small round fritters. Pour the corn flour out onto a large plate and roll both sides of each fritter in it. The corn flour will absorb some of the moisture and give the fritter a crispy crust.


Heat a large or medium sized cast iron (or stainless steel) skillet on a medium flame for about 3 minutes. Add the grape seed oil and let it heat up for about another minute. Drop the fritters into the oil and let them brown; this should take about 2-3 minutes per side.  When one side is browned, turn it over and put a few drops of soy sauce on top.


Drop a few drops of soy sauce on the other side when you flip the fritter again. Remove from pan with a spatula and dredge on a plain brown paper bag.


Plate the fritters and garnish with quick pickles. Recipe for those to come tomorrow, so stay tuned.

©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2013

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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

I’m very impressed by all the elements you are able to pack into the lesson without it seeming at all overwhelming: the review, the actual cooking skills, the creativity of coming up with their own dishes, the chance to present their creations, the opportunity to learn about and share thoughts on something else (in last week’s case, the feelings represented in the book), the execution of their  jobs, the responsibility for one’s station/implements and the overall following of directions…..all without losing the fun quotient. No wonder the kids love coming!  You’ve really created something special so kudos to you!

- T.