def (dandelion + endive + fennel)

March 5, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

I awoke to the sound of chirping birds. It was 15 degrees outside and something seemed wrong with this picture.  I decided that if the birds were chirping, I ought to make a raw salad to welcome … er, anticipate the arrival of spring.  Continuing with yesterday’s alphabetics, I combined dandelion, endive and fennel to make a crunchy, refreshing and cleansing salad.



1 small bunch dandelion greens

1 small endive

¼ fennel bulb

1 Sumo orange


pinch sea salt

serves 3 or 3

Process  Wash the dandelion, endive and fennel well by immersing them in water.  Trim any brown ends and then chop the dandelion leaves in small pieces one-quarter-inch thick. Set aside.


Chop the ends of the endive and then slice either end into small round dics.  Cut each one in half and then halve it again and quarter it.


Set aside.

Next  Slice the ends off of the fennel bulb and cut it into a few quarter-inch rounds. Cut the rounds into small pieces and set aside.


Assemble the salad. Place the dandelion at the bottom of a medium-sized glass mixing bowl.Place the sliced endive on top of the dandelion


and then top with he chopped fennel. Sprinkle with sea salt.


Squeeze the orange


and drizzle on the salad.Serve the salad in individual bowls.

©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014



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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

Just a quick note to say K is really enjoying your class. He was excited to make the sushi and the falafel the previous week was awesome- we have been trying (unsuccessfully) for years to get him to eat falafel and so hearing him say he likes falafel now was a breakthrough for us!  Thanks!

- S.