pink, white and greens

August 20, 2013 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

Chewy bitter greens sandwiched between crunchy radish and beet are sweetened by spicy sesame sauce. The result is a rainbow of textures and flavors.


serves 4-6


3-4 pink radishes

1/3 daikon radish

1 bunch dandelion greens

1 Chioggia beet

1/3 cup spicy sesame sauce (for recipe, see my June 25th post)

pinch of sea salt


Wash the radishes and dandelion greens well, and trim them.


Slice the daikon and pink radishes into rounds that are about ¼ inch thick. Set them aside.


Bring a medium-large pot of water to a boil. Add a pinch of sea salt. When the water is roiling boiling, drop in the daikon rounds.  It should take about 1-2 minutes for them to float to the top; when they do, remove them with a wire or mesh skimmer or a slotted spoon.  Bring the water back to a boil. Add the pink rounds. These will take less time to blanch than the daikon (about 1 minute); when they rise to the water’s surface, remove them. Set all the radish rounds aside. Bring the water to a boil again.  Drop in the dandelion greens, whole.


These will rise to the top almost immediately; remove them and allow them to cool on a plate.  In the meantime, peel the Chioggia beet.


Use a sharp knife to shave tiny pieces from the bottom (pointed) part of the beet.  Set these aside.


Build the rounds  Place the radish rounds on a plate.  Roll the dandelion greens into mounds. Place one dandelion roll-up on top of each radish round.


Pour a teaspoon of spicy sesame sauce on top of the greens.  Top with a beet shaving.


Arrange these colorful veggie sculptures on a plate.


©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2013

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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

Dear Ms. Nancy, Thank you for teaching me how to cook. A lot of my skills have developed through cooking. Cooking has also given me a bigger appetite for more foods. I can also make my own cook book! Some of my favorite foods that I've cooked with you are butter, date candys, tzatziki, pickles and potato leek soup. Thanks for giving me my cooking skills. Love, R. (8 years old)
