shades of fatoush

May 21, 2014 • Nancy Wolfson-Moche

Greens come in a multitude of shades, visible in this dish.  Watercress and spinach are deep greens, endive is  yellowed, mint has a blue hue while parsley is just a shade darker than grass. A scallion contains the whole range.


serves 3

INgredients (all raw)


4-5 endive leaves

5-6 spinach leaves

5-6 sprigs watercress

1 scallion

5 mint leaves

5 sprigs parsley

1 teaspoon umeboshi plum vinegar

Process Wash the endive, spinach, watercress,


mint and parsley leaves, each separately. Rinse the scallion. Chop the endive,


spinach and watercress leaves separately,in tiny quarter-inch-square pieces; place them in a large glass mixing bowl. Chop the mint and parsley in similarly sized pieces and add to the mix. Chop the scallion on the diagonal into thin ovals; chop each oval into tiny pieces;


add to the mixing bowl.


Sprinkle the vinegar and toss all ingredients together.  Serve on individual plates.


©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2014







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Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

M has thoroughly enjoyed your class and has become a much more adventurous eater as a result.  She's open to trying so many new things.  My husband and I have enjoyed watching her use the skills she's learned in your class to take charge of the kitchen at home and make food for us.  M has also enjoyed working with the seniors and feels as though she has lots of surrogate grandparents.  What a lovely class!   Thank you.

- N.