Tatsoi, also known as “spoon mustard” and “rosette bok choy” is an Asian brassica. It has a deep green hue, a creamy texture and delicate flavor.
serves 3
3 bunches tatsoi
1 bosc pear
pinch of sea salt
Process Separate the tatsoi leaves from the plant base by breaking or cutting them.
Wash them well.
Put about one inch of water in a medium sized skillet, with a pinch of salt. Bring the water to a boil. Add the tatsoi . When it wilts and turns a brighter green, remove it from the pan.
Place in individual bowls.
Slice a bosc pear in half and then into thin crescents.
Arrange the pear slices around the tatsoi.
©Nancy Wolfson-Moche 2013
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