BLOG: Vegetables for Breakfast

Viewing Tag: recipe

March 18, 2014

two flowers

March 17, 2014


March 16, 2014


March 12, 2014

spring beans

March 11, 2014

broccoli pesto on pita

March 7, 2014

arugula + shitake

March 6, 2014

hash brassica

March 5, 2014

def (dandelion + endive + fennel)

March 4, 2014


March 2, 2014

pressed salad

February 28, 2014

veggie tofu club

onions + shitake + dandelion + kale on a tofu pad

February 26, 2014

leftover kombu, squash and azuki beans

February 25, 2014

kale and dandelion

February 24, 2014

baked beet and carrot sticks

February 21, 2014

salad of baby tatsoi and yellow pepper

February 20, 2014

swiss chard

February 18, 2014

baby purple carrots, raw

February 17, 2014

steamed carrots with orange and ginger

February 16, 2014

collards and cranberries

February 13, 2014

heart of daikon

February 11, 2014

purple asparagus and tofu in a radicchio heart

February 10, 2014

squash and sweet potato purée in a zucchini basket

February 9, 2014


February 6, 2014

baby zucchini with moro blood oranges

February 5, 2014

nishime = shitake + fennel + daikon

February 4, 2014

purple asparagus with mandarin-quats

February 2, 2014

snow pea starfish flower

January 31, 2014


January 30, 2014

cabbage green bean rolls

January 29, 2014

the cauliflowers

January 28, 2014

nishime of celery, leek and kabocha squash

January 27, 2014

sweet beets

January 26, 2014

carrot parsnip kinpira

January 24, 2014

butternut squash mash in a red pepper cup

January 23, 2014

simply green

Icing on the Cake: Testimonials

Just a quick note to say K is really enjoying your class. He was excited to make the sushi and the falafel the previous week was awesome- we have been trying (unsuccessfully) for years to get him to eat falafel and so hearing him say he likes falafel now was a breakthrough for us!  Thanks!

- S.